§ 22-72. Record-keeping responsibilities.  

Latest version.
  • County commissioners and employees as specified in subsection 22-71(e), who make regulatory decisions or recommendations to the board of county commissioners shall be responsible for maintaining a written log which documents each oral lobbying communication or meeting with a lobbyist whether paid or unpaid, held for the purpose of lobbying outside a duly noticed public meeting or hearing on the record. The written log shall be of uniform form (Exhibit "A", hereto). County commissioners nor county employees shall be required to maintain a record of their contact with each other, while acting within the scope of their official capacities and duties. The log shall, at a minimum, reflect the name of the lobbyist, the date of the oral lobbying communication or lobbying meeting, and the subject matter discussed.

    County commissioners shall deliver their logs to the clerk of court at the end of each quarter and at the conclusion of their final term in office. County employees as designated in subsection 22-71(e) must deliver their logs to the clerk at the end of each quarter and upon the conclusion of their employment with Lee County. All lobby logs must be in the form provided for in Exhibit "A", hereto.

    Individuals who serve as members of advisory boards or advisory committees to the county, who are either volunteers or receive no compensation from the county for their services, are not required to maintain the logs as described in this section.

    All individuals subject to the requirements of this section must file lobby logs as set out above, regardless of whether any lobbying contacts are reported during any reporting period.

(Ord. No. 03-14, § 3, 6-24-2003)